Can Parrots Eat Apples? Essential Guide for Parrot Owners

Apples are safe for parrots to eat. They generally do not contain any harmful elements that could harm your bird, except for their seeds. Discuss in this guide Can Parrots Eat Apples? Yes! Parrots can eat apples, but you should know that fruit should not make up the majority of their diet. 

Parrot eating a slice of apple

Parrots easily digest a variety of fruits because apples are beneficial and provide natural vitamins and minerals apples are rich in fiber and low in calories which is very consuming to digest in their daily diet of parrots. Every Parrot breed like quacker parrots, macaws, green cheek conures, and other breeds of parrots also eats apples without any worrying because apples are nutritional fruit for birds.

The 4 Health Benefits of Feeding Apples to Parrots

Apple is one of the most commonly consumed fruits by humans and maybe a delicious snack for parrot birds also. They present several nutritional values that may have of positive impact on parrots once incorporated into their diet.

Rich in Essential Vitamins and Minerals

It presents in the apple vitamin C which is an antioxidant and enhances the body’s immune system and also helps in increasing nutrient absorption. They also contain Vitamin A which is crucial in the body mostly in the health of the skin and the feathers. Besides, the apples are rich in potassium which helps control blood pressure and enables muscle and nerve function.

High in Fiber

Among the nutrients, it was established that apples are rich sources of dietary fiber which is useful in the digestion of foods and the overall digestive system. Parrots do feel the need to take fiber to avoid constipation and keep all the other gymnastic performances of their stomach in check.

Low in Calories

In terms of calorie content, apples are not as proliferating as so many other fruits out there. This makes them perfect for instance for overweight parrots, or for those who should consume a low-calorie snack in their daily diet.

How To Feed Apples To My Parrots?

While offering apples to your parrot, there are a few precautions you need to take since this is a type of innovation in the bird’s diet. Adopt the following tips to make your and your bird’s outing fun and safe at the same time.

How to Prepare Apples for Parrot?

  • Wash Thoroughly: Another method of cleaning apples is washing them under running water to remove chemicals such as pesticides. If possible use organic apples to avoid health complications that might arise out of the use of synthetic chemicals.
  • Remove Seeds and Core: Peel off the skin of the apple and divide it into small portions that can be comfortably chewed without spitting this out, it is advisable to spit out all the seeds and the core of the apple. For parrots, the core may be especially hard, and often digestion is hindered.
  • Serve Fresh: Offer fresh apple slices or chunks. Try not to feed your parrot with cooked or processed apples, these may contain less nutritional value and may be processed with sugars or preservatives.

Potential Risks of Feeding Apples to Parrots

Avoiding Apple Seeds

Can parrots eat apples including seeds and skin

Apple seeds contain cyanogenic glycosides, which liberate the poisonous cyanide when digested. It is quite fatal and lethal and ingesting even a small number of seeds from the fruits is fatal to parrots. To mitigate this, it is advised that you should remove apple seeds from the apples which you give your parrot.

Moderation is Key

All the same, apples should only be given to parrots in small proportions because of the following good reasons. From the foregoing, it is therefore clear that having the parrot feed on too much fruit such as apples may cause the parrot to have an improper diet which may result in things such as obesity and stomach disorders. In my opinion, fruits should not constitute a large part of the diet but should rather be fed in conjunction with other foods.

Pesticides and Chemicals

Apples are normally subjected to pest control chemicals during the periods of their growth. These substances if ingested are poisonous to parrots. One should ensure that apples are washed well before giving them a taste to your parrot or if one can buy organic apples then this would be the best option to reduce the amount of chemicals present in them.

Can Parrots Eat Apple Peels and Skin?

Apple skin and peel are safe for parrots but it is essential to wash them so that you peel off the pesticides or chemicals on them. Coats of apples are, as a rule, harmless and can contribute a little more fiber and nutrients. However, it will be slightly difficult to cut the skin hence it is advisable to chop it into small pieces that can easily be managed. Of course, it’s important to modulate their diet, so they can eat apple peels as a part of a broader diet that consists of other fruits, vegetables, and proper pellets.


It is okay to feed apples to your parrot and ensure the bird enjoys these fruits but one must be wary of the dangers occasioned by the seeds in apples. There are a few requirements needed to ensure that the parrot does not develop problems with the seeds and core; fresh apples should be served in moderation and should be served as a part of a healthy and varied diet.

FAQs About Can Parrots Eat Apples?

Can Parrots Eat Apple Seeds?

No, parrots should not eat apple seeds because they contain cyanogenic glycosides.

Can Baby Parrots Eat Apples?

Yes, baby parrots can eat apples but it’s good to introduce the food to the bird slowly. Do not give them apple seeds or the core because they are dangerous for a child to eat. Apples should be accompanied by other fruits and vegetables as well as a special high-quality pellet mix for their age and type of animal. If you have any questions or doubts regarding the diet of your baby parrot it’s always wise to consult an avian vet.

Can birds eat Apple Skin?

Yes, birds can eat apple skin. The skin is safe and can provide additional fiber and nutrients.

Can Parrots Eat Apple Leaves?

Parrots should not eat apple leaves because leaves can be problematic.

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